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Monday, 8/03/2021, 11:00am - 1:00pm


Session Purposes

Evaluate Unit 2 of Mendel's book process.

Introducing cell cycle and cell reproduction.

To clarify concepts and proteins involved in the cell cycle process.


What we did?

1. We made a quizz about Mendel's book second session.

2. We started with explanatory part of the class and developed concepts, analyzed cell cycle processes and observed proteins which participated in the process.

3. The final work of the second term was discussed.


What we did for?

1. The quizz was elaborated to obtain a Mendel's laws knowledge diagnostic.

2. Meiosis and sexual reproduction was done with the aim of analyzing the set of steps that are carried out to obtain new cells.


How we did it?

1. The quiz was made virtually on the Quizziz platform.

2. The explanation was made by Mrs Vivian in power point.


What I learnt?

I learnt about chromosome halving, genetic variation, the phases of meiosis, the comparison between meiosis and mitosis, and the human life cycle.


How I know that I learnt?

1. I took notes and had no doubts about the explanation.




Thursday, 11/03/2021, 11:00am - 1:00pm


Session Purposes

1. Review concepts provided in the book.

2. Introduce Mendel's laws.

3. Use a Punnett square and calculate the probability of both genotype and phenotype.


What we did?

1. We continue with the process of cell division to subsequently give rise to the hereditary information in the cells.

2. We detail concepts on genetics that were developed in the glossary.

3. We develop Mendel's laws with their definition and apply exercises and examples to rehearse.


What we did for?

1. Concepts were profundizados because we are going to use them at this second term and we have to familiarize with them.

2. Mendel's laws were developed to classify what type of exercise we are dealing and which Punnett square to use.


How we did it?

1. The teacher explained concepts through slides with information obtained from the shared book.

2. The activities were developed at home. The exercises are presented below as evidence:

File name Evidence
Exercises developed in class


What I learnt?

1. I learnt different concepts used in genetics and inheritance such as hereditary trait, gene allele (Locus - Loci), homologous chromosome, homozygous and heterozygous individual, dominant and recessived allele, the genotype and phenotype.

2. I learnt how to classify Mendel's laws and how to use Punnett squares.


How I know that I learnt?

1. I apply exercises and develop them with ease when identifying and making Punnett squares.

2. I have clear concepts of genetics as applied in class.


1. Study for the quiz "Punnett square".


Monday, 15/03/2021, 2:00pm - 4:00pm


Session Purposes

1. To introduce the taxonomy and classification of living beings.

2. To approach the evolutionary relationship of species with the phylogenetic tree.

3. Evualuate the units of the Punnett square.


What we did?

1. We conceptualize taxonomy and the different classification systems.

2. We analyze how living beings have evolved through phylogenetics.

3. We exemplify species to understand the different classification systems and the phylogenetic tree.

4. We learnt how to build phylogenetic trees.

5. We learnt how to write the scientific name of an organism in laboratory reports.


What we did for?

1. In order to decipher evolutionary relationships.

2. To know what distinguishes one species from another species.

3. To know how to name each species by binomial name.


How we did it?

1. This was done virtually by means of slides.

2. The evaluation was done from a word document in which it is sent virtually by teams or by outlook.


What I learnt?

1. I learnt about species are distinguished on the basis of their structure DNA sequences and reproductive isolation.

2. I learnt to decide the evolutionary relationship of species the fossil record homology and molecular data are used.

3. I learnt the field of systematics encompasses both taxonomy (naming organisms) and classification (assigning species to appropriate categories).


How I know that I learnt?

1. Take a glance in my glossary


1. Do the homework (Taxonomy workshop)


Thursday, 18/03/2021, 11:00am - 1:00pm


Session Purposes

1. Introduce the Archaea domain.

2. Describe the unique features of each category of Archaea.

3. Give examples of archaea associated with unique environmental habitats.


What we did?

1. We observe the different characteristics that differentiate this domain from the other domains.

2. We specify characteristics such as genome, cellular structures, reproduction, etc.

3. We observe the 3 phylum that make up the Archaea domain.

4. We analyze the different characteristics of each phylum.

5. Examples of organisms of each phylum were given with their characteristics.


What we did for?

1. We did this to learn more about domains other than Eukarya.

2. We did this to differentiate the different domains.

3. We did it to put into practice some organisms that we are going to work with in the laboratory.


How we did it?

1. By teacher's explanation in slides connected from virtually.


What I learnt?

1. Archaea are unicellular prokaryotes.

2. Archaea are not bacteria.

3. Archaea are not only exotic creatures living in extreme conditions in inaccessible and unique places (hot springs, seabed), but they are everywhere and represent up to 20% of the prokaryotes in the biomass.


How I know that I learnt?

1. Take a glance in my Glossary pls


1. Prepare exposition


Thursday, 25/03/2021, 11:00am - 1:00pm


Session Purposes

1. Expose the different phyla of the domain archaea in different groups of 4.

2. To explain the method, the materials and the results of isolation of the strains of each phylum.

3. Listening to the teacher's feedback to the students' exposition.


What we did?

1. Each of the groups presented their topic with respect to the isolation of strains of the phylum they presented.

2. The teacher gave recommendations to each group for a better handling of the article.

3. The teacher asked each group questions to think and search.


What we did for?

1. For a better understanding and management of organism isolation.

2. To observe the characteristics and procedure of the different strains in each phylum.

3. To analyze how differs each filum and the procedures.


How we did it?

1. Each group shared a screen to show their slides and present their work.

2. After each presentation the teacher gave us a comment or a question.


What I learnt?

1. The organism isolation proccedure of each group.


How I know that I learnt?

1. Take a glance in my glossary pls




Monday, 5/04/2021, 2:00pm - 4:00pm


Session Purposes

1. Understand the basics of microbiology.

2. Explore the diversity of microbial life in our world.

3. Know how microbiology has developed.

4. Show evidence of what was read.


What we did?

1. Was explained about the history of microbiology, what are microorganisms, how microorganisms affect our life, the branches of microbiology, epidemics, the great people that developed microbiology over time, the shape of microorganisms, diseases and isolation of microorganisms.

2. A summary was made about the book "Microbe Tales".

3. A space for doubts was developed.


What we did for?

1. The summary was made to show evidence of learnt.

2. We did this to make way for microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria, archaeobacteria, protists and fungi.


How we did it?

1. This was done by means of slides made by M. Paz UMG-2011 virtually.

2. The summary was made in word in two paragraphs of about 7-9 lines.


What I learnt?

1. Microorganisms are important for life and have existed for at least 3.5 million years.

2. Most of them (except fungi) are unicellular and from these simple cells they developed into multicellular forms such as plants and animals, I mean they are our ancestors.

3. Although they appear relatively simple, microorganisms are complete. They are diverse in appearance, metabolism, physiology and genetics. Their metabolic complexity gives them the ability to grow in a wide variety of different environments and to interact with all other life forms including humans.

4. Although they can cause disease, they also perform services that make life on Earth possible.


How I know that I learnt?

1. Take a glance in my glossary


1. Study


Thursday, 8/04/2021, 11:00am - 1:00pm


Session Purposes

1. Introduce the Bacteria domain.

2. Know the size of prokaryotes and viruses compared to the eukaryotic cell.

3. Identify a bacterium and its taxonomy.

4. Know the different ways in which organisms obtain energy.

5. Know the keys of microorganisms in relation to oxygen.

6. Know the characteristics and structure of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria.


What we did?

1. We did a feedback of the "cuentos de microbio" summary we did last class.

2. We start with a topic of the third cut which are the domain of bacteria and their general characteristics.

3. We develop concepts to understand better.


What we did for?

1. We did this to finish contextualizing all the domains of phylogenetics.

2. We did it to get into the topics of the third term.


How we did it?

1. The teacher explained the world of bacteria using slides.

2. The teacher left us an application to practice.


What I learnt?

1. I learnt that most gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria are pathogenic because of their chemical structure.

2. I learnt the methods to perform a demanding anaerobic bacterial isolation.


How I know that I learnt?

1. Take a glance in my glossary


1. Practice in the app


Monday, 12/04/2021, 2:00pm - 4:00pm


Session Purposes

1. Do the midterm of the second term


What we did?

1. Do the midterm of the second term


What we did for?

1. Do the midterm of the second term to evaluate de knowledge and learnings of the student.


How we did it?

1. Do the midterm of the second term in Quizzis and word.


Thursday, 15/04/2021, 11:00am - 1:00pm


Session Purposes

1. Talk about the final work of the third cut.

2. Divide into groups of three.

3. Search bibliographies for the final paper.


What we did?

1. We were placed in groups of 3 because that was the maximum number of students.

2. We look for bibliographies to keep in mind what we are going to discuss in class.


What we did for?

1. We did it to make progress in our final work.


How we did it?

1. It was carried out by means of a word document from the virtuality.


1. Divide in parts the materials and proccedures


Monday, 19/04/2021, 2:00pm - 4:00pm


Session Purposes

1. Midterm's socialization

2. Final work methodology.


What we did?

1. Explain the points covered in the midterm.

2. Promote class participation on the points addressed in the midterm.

3. Define the methodology of the final work.


What we did for?

1. The socialization of the notes was carried out to verify the students' knowledge.

2. The handing out of grades was done to let students know this.


How we did it?

1. Both the delivery of notes and the meeting between the groups for the methodology were done virtually.


1. Divide in parts the materials and proccedures


Thursday, 22/04/2021, 11:00am - 1:00pm


Session Purposes

1. To know about bacteria in general.

2. Classify bacteria according to their characteristics.

3. To know the structures of bacteria according to their external layer.

4. Identify the process for biofilm.

5. To learn about the filamentous structures of bacteria.

6. To know the cycle of a bacterium to form an endospore.


What we did?

1. Our teacher explained in the first hour of class about generalities of bacteria.

2. In the second hour of class the teacher gave the notes to the missing students and the methodology of the work was developed.


What we did for?

1. It was learnt about bacteria because the third term will be introduced with this topic.


How we did it?

1. The explanation was given in slides using the Teams platform.

2. And the missing students were called for grades.


What I learnt?

1. The outer membranes of bacteria.

2. Biofilm formation.

3. Fimbrias and pilis.

4. Cellular inclusions.

5. Endospores.

6. Bacterial phyla.


How I know that I learnt?

1. Take a glance in my new


1. Search an article about illness caudes by pathogens.